nutrition tips for pregnancy & lactation


As with any healthy nutrition goal, your pregnancy and lactation intake should focus on moderation over diet.  When we hear “diet,” we focus on restrictions and everything we can’t eat, rather than exploring all the amazing foods we can eat.

Try to focus on choosing whole grains and high fiber cereals and breads.  Opt for whole fruits and vegetables over juices, low fat dairy over full fat, and lean meats such as skinless chicken or turkey and red meats.  

If your cravings are telling you to indulge, try to eat foods with added fats or sugars in moderation and avoid oversized portions.  If you’re craving sweets, try grapes or cherries.  You can even pop them in the freezer for a refreshing summer snack.

Don’t forget to practice good hydration.  A simple trick is to drink a glass of water or another healthy beverage every time you nurse your baby.  If water is too bland, slice up some cucumber or citrus fruits for hints of flavor, or drop in some of those frozen grapes and cherries.

Setting up a snack station where you nurse most frequently can make everything easier.  Oatmeal bars, water, nuts or seeds, and dried fruits are things you can keep on hand that don’t require refrigeration. This is especially important if you’re experiencing cluster feeding. While you’re at it you might as well include a charger, your iPad, the remote, a good book, and a cozy blanket. You may be there for a while.

Most importantly, keep it simple!  Don’t stress or read every ingredient on every food. Your pregnancy and lactation food choices should be well balanced and varied.

When in doubt, choose healthy foods in all the colors. Remember to Eat your Rainbow!